Herpes Simplex Help
Even with today's technology, a herpes infection is still forever. Outbreaks are variable but will usually continue at some level your entire life.
Herpes Basics
Herpes simplex comes in two varieties, Type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2). Type 1 effects the mouth and/or face typically and Type 2 targets genitals. About 75 to 80% of adults worldwide have contracted herpes simples Type 1 and about 15% have contracted Type 2.
You can be sure that either you have HSV-1 or you know somebody who does.
Diagnosing HSV is usually not that difficult. Most practitioners will determine if you have a herpes infection by your history and then by the appearance of the lesions. For self diagnosis, look for the tingling, itching or burning lesion. A pending outbreak often has a certain sensation that you can usually recognize.
Once you have had an outbreak or two, you will soon learn when an outbreak is imminent. That is the time to begin treatment. The longer you wait, the greater the chance of a more serious outbreak.
One Treatment Approach
Over the years, we have experimented with several approaches to these herpes outbreaks. The purpose of this blog is to give you the benefit of our experience. How your body responds might be different so make adjustments as necessary. After experimenting with several approaches, we find this particular approach seems to help stop the virus effects very quickly and also seems to help prevent then next attack.
We have been disappointed with the results of Acyclovir and Valacyclovir when used alone. We recommend keeping some around, however as used in combination with L-lysine and monolaurin it seems to be a help. These are prescription medications so consult your primary doc for a prescription.
Next up is L-lysine. I have read about the anti-viral properties of this amino acid since at least 1980. Yes, I am that old. We have generally found that without the Acyclovir and monolaurin, you would have to take a lot of L-lysine to get the effects you want. Many published studies have talked about the benefits of L-lysine. The greatest benefit seems to be speeding up the healing process.
Some have hypothesized that the L-lysine interferes with uptake of l-arginine that the virus needs to replicate.
Monolaurin has been shown in many studies to help your body fight the herpes virus. One theory of how this works is its effect on the envelope surrounding each virus. Monolaurin appears to help break down the protective capsule, allowing your immune system to finish the job.
Use All Three For Best Results
Here is a general guide that you can use as a starting point in treatment. The sooner you start this regimen, the more effective it will be. If you wait two or three days to be sure this is a herpes outbreak, you will give the infection more time to get established and your treatment will be less effective.
You will need to have these items ready to go. In our house, we even travel with the Acyclovir, L-lysine and monolaurin to have them on hand if an outbreak is noted.
Acyclovir 800 mg
L-lysine500 mg (x2)
Monolaurin 600 mg (x2)
For the average adult, take 1 Acyclovir, 2 L-lysine and 2 Monolaurin about every six hours for maybe 3-4 days. Let your symptoms be your guide. Once it appears that you are ahead of the game, drop down to 1 Acyclovir, 2 L-lysine and 2 Monolaurin twice a day for a few days. We then cut out the Acyclovir and continue with just the L-Lysine and Monolaurin for a day or two.
Remember to adapt this approach to your own body's needs but most of you should find this regimen helpful.
This will have to do until we figure out how to eliminate the herpes virus from the body. Who knows when that will be.
Now Foods L-Lysine 500mg
Ecological Formulas Monolaurin 300mg, links below!