Vitamin C and Vaccines
Vaccine Controversy
Every now and then I wade into the world of vaccines. It seems to me that a lot of the controversy would disappear if doctors and parents applied a little vitamin C to the mix. Let me explain.
Conversations in the 1970's
In the 1970's I worked at the Institute for Medical Research in San Jose, Ca. I had the opportunity to hear presentations by many scientists reporting on their studies. One presentation was by A. Kalokerinos and G. Dettman who did work with sudden infant death and vaccines in Australia among the aboriginal population.
Vitamin C IV Saves the Day
Dr. Kalokerinos was a primary care physician who worked a lot with aborigine kids. The mothers were encouraged at that time, to avoid breast feeding and use the formula provided by a large multi-national company that had secured a contract from the British government to be the primary provider of infant formula to this particular Australian population. The children were essentially devoid of vitamin C as none was included in the formula. These children had bad reactions to vaccines and the rate of death before the age of two was 50% in that population. Dr. Kalokerinos recounted a turning point in his practice when a child was dying in his office. He had seen others actually collapse and die in his office as he sat helpless to do anything. In this case he hooked up an IV and gave the child a vitamin C drip. Within few minutes, the child was OK to everyone's amazement and relief. He said he doesn't know why he thought of using vitamin C but he did and it changed his thinking about the public health needs of his patient population at that moment.
Death Rate Drops From 50% to Zero
He began to encourage the addition of Vitamin C into his patient population and eventually this knowledge spread through the entire community. Within a few years we find that death from that kind of incident went from 50% to zero when the kids were given adequate supplies of vitamin C. Seems easy enough, right?
Kalokerinos and Dettman Did Their Best To Educate
Drs. Kalokerinos and Dettman did their best to get the word out by writing a book and doing extensive travel and lecturing. I have been thinking about why there would be so much resistance to something simple as vitamin C before and after vaccines. My current hunch is that the medical community at large has a HUGE investment in the obligatory notion that vaccines be safe and effective. Anything that undermines that dogma must be rejected.
Vitamin C Even Works on Rodents
In their travels they talked with researchers at Stanford. They told of their experience and research and one of the lead research directors was not impressed. Kalokerinos and Dettman (K & D) asked if it was routine to vaccinate the lab rats and other lab animals when they get a delivery. They responded that yes, yes they do. K & D asked if any of those lab animals died and the response was, yes, maybe 1-2% die within a few days of the vaccines. They suggested they give the rats vitamin C a few days before and a few days after the vaccines and they would be back next year to see what happened. K&D asked if any of the rats died this time. The director quietly replied that, no, none of them died and then added with some forcefulness that it couldn't be the vitamin C.
Why Is Vitamin C in Rat Vaccines Important?
This is notable for a couple of reasons. One is that almost all mammals make their own vitamin C with the exception of humans and guinea pigs. So even though rats could manufacture their own vitamin C, it wasn't in quantities sufficient to handle the sudden insult of the vaccines in that 1 or 2% that would die. So how much more important is for people and guinea pigs to have ample vitamin C supplements to fortify reserves when vaccinated?
Refusal to Learn Is Legendary
Secondly, even with a very simple remedy for the mortality of their own animal population and with direct evidence of vitamin C's effectiveness, the researchers decided it was better to have animals die than apply a remedy they couldn't or wouldn't understand.
From what the vaccine industry and CDC tell us, any complication to any vaccine is a rare event indeed. It can be claimed that the CDC and vaccine industry are one in the same as the CDC actually has patents for certain vaccines and works closely with the pharmaceutical companies as a routine. Also the vaccine business in the world is worth between $30 and $60 billion per year with a profit margin of between 10 and 40%. Exact profit figures are hard to come by as companies don't want to add to the controversy by reporting exceedingly large profits.
An Observant Mother Knows
Many a mother will tell you that these negative effects with fevers and irritability and worse are far too common. These are rarely reported to their pediatrician as those complaints would not be taken seriously anyway and are considered normal and temporary effects. And of course, mothers will report that their child was on a normal development track before a round of vaccines and then noticed that development take a marked detour and a previously normal child is suddenly somewhere on the autism spectrum.
Maybe it is possible to make some level of peace between the vaccine industry and those parents who are rightly cautious about injecting their children with a myriad of vaccines.
Read Up on Adjuvants
We know that certain toxins are used as adjuvants, that Is substances designed to increase the effectiveness of the vaccine. Some examples of adjuvants are aluminum or aluminum salts, peanut oil (anyone have a sudden onset of peanut allergies?), MPA (a lipid from the cell wall of bacteria) and others. You would do well to read up on adjuvants and the following link will be a good starting point. Research: Vaccine Choice Canada
Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and good evidence suggests that much of the effects of the adjuvants and mercury preservatives in vaccines can be calmed considerably by the proper application of this cheap supplement.
Vitamin C and Mercury
You may have heard about a book called Dissolving Illusions by Humphries. Dr. Humphries is a nephrologist and she noticed that upon admitting her kidney patients to the hospital that many of them took a turn for the worse after getting admittance vaccines. She mentioned her concerns to one of the hospital directors and was warned to never, never speak of negative effects of vaccines again. This prompted her to begin to research vaccines and her book on the history of vaccines is one result of that curiosity. It is likely that the dramatic effect was from the mercury in the vaccine that is very toxic to a healthy kidney and even more to a struggling kidney. Studies by Levy 2002, Mokranjac 1964, Carroll 1965 Vauthey 1951 and Gage 1975 have shown that Vitamin C is an effective mercury detox agent. Perhaps if these patients were given adequate doses of vitamin C before their hospital vaccines, Dr. Humphries would not have had a reason to write her excellent book.
Vitamin C Can Improve Effectiveness of Vaccines
Studies over the last 30+ years also indicate that vitamin C can actually improve the effectiveness of vaccines. Studies include: Prinz et al., 1977; Vallance, 1977; Prinz et al., 1980; Feigen et al., 1982; Li and Lovell, 1985; Amakye-Anim et al., 2000; Wu et al., 2000; Lauridsen and Jensen, 2005; Azad et al., 2007.
It appears that for optimum protection from toxins and to stimulate antibody production, supplementation of vitamin C three to five days prior to vaccination and at least two to three days after should be sufficient. If you notice any reaction such as fever or irritability, up the dosage and continue until two to three days after symptoms have disappeared.
Vitamin C for Infants
For infants you can use vitamin C in a sodium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate powder in juice. For infants under 10 pounds a general guideline is 500 mg per day divided into 3-4 doses. Babies 10-20 pounds will probably need 500 to 1000 mg per day in 3-4 divided doses. If sodium is a problem for some reason, you use the calcium ascorbate form.
As children get older, they can more easily handle the ascorbic acid form of vitamin C.
Stimulate Antibody Response and Lower Toxic Effects
The goal of any vaccine is to stimulate a maximum antibody response to the vaccine presented antigen while causing a minimum of toxic damage. Because vitamin C seems capable of helping to lower the toxic effects of the vaccine and increase the desired immune response, there seems to be no medically sound reason to withhold vitamin C as part of any vaccine protocol.
Thanks for reading. Hopefully this will prevent some vaccine problems.