Label Information
Perque Hematin Anemia Guard Facts:1 tablet contains:
- Iron (as ionized ferrous aspartate) 25 mg
- Vitamin C (as 100% l-ascorbates, fully reduced and buffered) 100 mg
- Folinate (as calcium folinate) 400 mcg
- Niacin (as inositol Hexanicotinate) 20 mg
- Vitamin B-6 (as pyridoxine HCI) 5 mg
- Vitamin B-12 (as hydroxocobalamin) 100 mcg
- Copper (as ionized cuprous aspartate) 1.5 mg
- Magnesium (as C16 and C18 alkyls) 5 mg
- Vegetable fiber (organic croscarmellose) from whole, untreated palm fruit and leaf 269 mg