Homeopathy Basics

Posted by DSDC on May 22nd 2023

Homeopathy is a health care methodology that traces its root back 2000 years but as a system has existed for about 300 years. Homeopathy is based on three principles, Like Cures Like, Minimum Dose and Single Remedy.

Like Cures Like basically means that the treating homeopath tries to most closely match the remedy to the cause of the symptoms or illness. If mercury poisoning is the cause, a homeopathic solution of mercury would be used, for example.

Minimum Dose means that super diluted solutions of the homeopathic solution are used. Often the dilutions are so extreme that virtually none of the original agent is left in the solution. It was found after much experimentation that this high dilution gave the best results with the fewest negative effects. So if your homeopathic solution lists arsenic, it doesn’t mean that there is arsenic in the solution. It means that arsenic was used to prepare the solution but as a consequence of the dilution, there is no arsenic left in the remedy.

Single Remedy refers to the concept of treating one condition at a time with one remedy to keep the results as easy to understand as possible.

The length of treatment will depend on whether the condition is acute or chronic. Some acute conditions can respond quickly and often long-standing, chronic conditions can take some time.

If you do an internet search of homeopathy, you will find many references that dispute any scientific basis of this healing art. It has been our experience that once you find the correct solution for you, you can expect positive results. If the solution isn’t right for you, you shouldn’t experience any negative effects. We have personally had some good results with homeopathic remedies.

It doesn’t seem to matter to the critics how many times studies are produced that shows a positive effect with homeopathy. I think this is because those of this mindset don’t really like energetic systems like homeopathy. And that is what this is, an energetic change in the properties of water based on the substances that were used in the remedy preparation.

Homeopathy uses a letter system to describe how diluted a remedy is. X means a 10x dilution. C means a 100x dilution. M is 1000x dilution. A remedy might call for a 200C dilution. The homeopath takes one drop of the herbal tincture (AKA mother tincture) and mixes it with 100 drops of a 20% ethyl alcohol water solution. This yields a 1C solution. To reach 200C, one drop of the 1C solution is mixed with 100 drops yielding a 2C solution. This process is repeated 200 times to get a 200C remedy. The principle is the same for the X and M solutions.

At OVitaminPro.com, we have studied homeopathy a bit but do not consider ourselves to be experts. If you have further questions, we recommend you seek out a health care professional who has spent some serious time in the study and practice of homeopathy.

Avoiding certain common household items will help you get better results from your homeopathic remedy. The following are examples of items that can interfere with results.

Anything containing very strong smells, such as menthol, camphor, eucalyptus or strong mint. E.g. cough/throat sweets, cold sore cream, Olbas Oil, certain strong toothpastes and sweets. Check the ingredient list – and sniff the product! Mild mint toothpaste is acceptable. You might change to fennel or another flavour. All coffee including decaffeinated. Strong fumes e.g. paint, creosote.

Please store all remedies carefully, in a cool dark place, out of direct sunlight, and away from strong smells. Keep out of reach of children, although accidental doses are not harmful to children.

How to Take Homeopathic Remedies

All remedies are absorbed in the mouth. Avoid anything by mouth for at least 15 minutes before and after each dose (unless urgent). This includes toothpaste or tobacco, food, and drinks except water.

Dosages are independent of body size and age. Elderly and children can safely take the same dose as a 45 year-old. If in doubt consult a qualified homeopath.