Making the Old You

Making the Old You

Posted by DSDC on Apr 11th 2024

For important concepts, we like to use the 3 Rs, that is Review and Repeat with Regularity. This is a modest expansion of a blog from late 2023.

With that in mind, I am going to talk about some obvious concepts and then repeat these in future blogs.

You are making the older you right now.

Decisions you are making about your health (and other life factors) will have larger effects down the road. We have seen too many examples of friends and family that violated basic health principles and watch them pay dearly for those decisions a couple of decades later. One person I am thinking about was pretty active into his early 80s. We talked some years earlier about changes in diet but his wife said they weren’t changing ANYTHING. Next comes the stroke. I knew this case well enough to know that some changes when he was 60 would have given him an entirely different outcome. He eventually succumbed to cancer from years of exposure to industrial chemicals but even that might have been prevented or delayed with some targeted nutrition. Life is complex but I am convinced that he had a good chance of avoiding that stroke with some lifestyle changes 10 to 15 years earlier.

The wife who didn’t understand that life is nothing but change, ended up living to 90 but I am convinced that those last 5 years that were difficult for her and her family would have been a lot different if she had embraced change and modified here lifestyle accordingly. Maybe not but we are always playing the odds as very few things in life get a guarantee.

Without lab tests, you are flying blind.

In order to understand your own physiology, you will need routine lab work. So much information is available to us via different lab tests. In our family, we do in-depth blood profiles every six months or so. Generally insurance won’t pay without a specific diagnosis so we bypass that system and just pay cash to get the information that will be important for prevention. We can order reasonably priced blood tests for you in NV and CA. You will pay the lab directly and get our low negotiated price. In other states we refer you to Direct Labs to get the tests done. A couple of states have some ridiculous rules about blood testing (New York and New Jersey at the time of this writing) but most work nicely with Direct Labs. With that kind of information, we can readily see if your approach to health is headed in the right direction.

Some types of tests that we use are food sensitivity tests and autoimmune antibodies from Cyrex Labs. Most of these run once to get an idea of your predispositions. We can help you choose which tests would be most likely to give you worthwhile information. We can order tests in CA and NV. The lab can direct you to someone in your state to order the test.

We really like the gluten sensitivity tests and also the gluten cross reactive foods profile. The autoimmune profiles are the best I have seen.

We have also been able to get good information from genetic analysis of your 23andme tests We use NutraHacker for this at this time. Who knows what a decade will bring in lab test advances so I would expect this blog to be reasonably accurate now but who knows in 2035.

Important Supplements For Most People

The immune system is complex but does well with a few basics. We never do a vaccine without dosing up on vitamin C a day before and 5 days after. Also melatonin is important for immune system function as is zinc. For most people, these should be added to your supplement regimen. Removing toxins requires glutathione. We routinely use NAC and ALA to help the body make the glutathione it needs to help keep your healthy.

Many problems (not all, of course) can be prevented.

So many problems that we run into could have been prevented.

It’s a dynamic journey

It would be nice if you just figure out your physiology, take the steps to correct problems and that would be that. Our bodies are constantly changing, in a big part due to aging. Now that I am in my 70s. I am acutely aware of the differences a decade can bring. That is why we like to track symptoms, periodically run blood tests and change up supplements frequently. Yes, it takes some work but what is the alternative??

BetterGenix NAC 500mg

NuMedica Alpha CU

Ecological Formulas Vitamin C-1000 Non-Corn

Written by a person

April 2024