Serotonin Basics (video)

Serotonin Basics (video)

Posted by DS DC on Sep 2nd 2021

Serotonin is a key neurotransmitter, which mean it's a communicator in the brain. Unfortunately, a great number of people have serotonin deficiencies which can be supported naturally through serotonin supplements that encourage a natural serotonin balance in the brain. There are many reasons why a person's serotonin can become unbalanced, and these reasons can include heavy metal contamination, emotional or physical trauma, or too many carbohydrates or refined sugars in the diet. People with gluten sensitivities who ingest gluten can also be susceptible to neurotransmitter issues as a result. At OVitaminPro, we use serotonin support supplements to give the brain raw materials it can use to easily construct and balance it's own chemical messaging system. This is very different from most other pharmaceutical approaches that try to manipulate this system. We have found that many of those who have serotonin deficiencies can be helped with a holistic approach and with some key products that have proven themselves to be very effective. These products include TravaCor, Serene, and Nuvoxil by Neuroscience. Travagen, Serene, Travacor